Finding easy to understand summaries of the research results of climate studies is a difficult task. The amount of knowledge necessary to do research within climate science is so vast that the technical language and presentation of results almost requires a new language and grammar. The need for precision and the dispelling of ambiguity makes the writing that much denser. However, there are a number of writers and journalists who have taken up the task of interpreting scientific papers for the rest of us.
Introduction to tracking climate change
Further, the United Nations in particular and some national and foreign national government agencies also publish vetted scientific data for citizens to read. The United Nation’s reports from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change are some of the most important documents in this category. Many of the scientific conclusions concerned citizens are using today to fight for climate change legislation are embedded in the IPCC reports.
A link to reports is found here.
Technology is often offered as the panacea that will cure climate change. First, technology is just one tool in the toolbox that must be utilized. Changing people’s behavior, changing diets, and changing the landscape are some of the other tools that must be wielded without the help of technological advances.
Second, speaking of technology without fully understanding what issues or problems the technology is supposed to address is a case of putting the cart before the horse. Many different sources report technological breakthroughs and each source has their own agenda (usually money). Having a working knowledge of what we need the technology to do today helps cut through the noise and chatter.
To explore a working knowledge of energy infrastructure and other climate-related technology, click here.