Faith Challenges

These challenges take more than willpower and conscience, but the act of doing these tasks is faith in action.

The Kitchen Challenge

Use your kitchen for one week without using or bringing into the kitchen single use plastics, including bags.

The Garbage Can Challenge

Record the number of garbage bags you took to the curb last month. Cut the number of garbage bags by 3/4 (75%) this month.

The Electric Meter Challenge

Download last year’s monthly usage from your utilities account. Using last year’s numbers, reduce your energy use three contiguous months.

The Advocacy Challenge

Attend one city (town) council meeting, one zoning board meeting, and one county board meeting.

BONUS: Convince your congregation to invite one elected legislator to explain their environmental actions and plans.

The Clothing Challenge

Reduce the number of clothes in your wardrobe. For women: 33 items of clothing; for men: 25 items of clothing.

Environmental Justice

Locate the power plants in your area using this map:

Map Instructions: In the upper right corner of the first map, click on Layers/Legend button, which will explain all the icons on the map. Zoom in (+ sign or use your mouse wheel) on the map to find your area. Scroll further down page to view the other maps.

  1. How many fossil fuel plants are near you?
  2. In which neighborhoods are these plants located?
  3. Are these neighborhoods rich, middle class or poor?
  4. Are they predominately minority communities?