September Reflection and Prayer

By Nina Nichols, NYIPL Board Chair

Here in these waning days of August, I think of the words of poet Mary Oliver in The Summer Day reflecting on creation and an embodied response to the wonder of it all. She closes with the question: “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with this one wild and precious life?”

In Eugene Peterson’s Message version of Psalm 8:6 it says: “You put us in charge of your handcrafted world, repeated to us your genesis-charge.” I am sure I am not the first to wonder if we understand the assignment.

Holy, Holy, Holy are You, O God… and so is this wonderful world… and so am I when I am most reflective of You and your call to create, to protect, to tend and care and serve and love… Help me to claim my holiness, my deep connection to You. Help me to live out my holiness in the way I speak, shop, vote, and walk upon the world and relate to the brothers and sisters with whom I share it. Help me make the most of this one life in demonstrating that I understand what it is you ask of me.


Please feel free to copy and use this prayer as desired. If you would like to submit a reflection and/or prayer, please send it to