October 28, 2013
The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo
Governor of New York State
NYS State Capitol Building
Albany, NY 12224
Subject: Proposed 6 NYCRR Part 570 – Regulation of Liquefied Natural Gas Facilities
Dear Gov. Cuomo:
New York Interfaith Power & Light is a non-profit organization representing 98 congregations of all faiths across the state of New York. We regularly communicate with more than two thousand people via email. We are a part of the national Interfaith Power and Light campaign with chapters in 40 states. This movement addresses climate change from a faith perspective.
In commenting on the proposed regulations for LNG facilities, we will not comment on the many serious inadequacies of the rules from a standpoint of health and safety, for we know that respondents with more expertise will have already done so. As an organization concerned with climate change, we will comment on the rules only as they relate to the risk of climate disruption. The operation of LNG facilities of any size and the use of the fuel that they store will contribute to climate change through the release of greenhouse gases.
This process of rule making has been delayed for many years since the enabling legislation was passed in 1976. We do not see a pressing need to go forward at this time, just as the human contribution to climate change has been affirmed at a 95% confidence level by the world’s climate scientists.
The Board of Directors of New York Interstate Power and Light urges you to withdraw these proposed regulations, which are inadequate to the ethical challenge we face by promoting the use of fossil fuels. There are no “clean” fossil fuels other than those left in the ground.
Our state has shown climate leadership in many matters, including the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative and the promotion of renewable energy and energy conservation by NYSERDA. Let us continue to do so.
On behalf of NYIPL,
Janna Stieg Watkins
Executive Director