The Keystone tar sands pipeline proposal is back, and we need your help to stop it. This pipeline could transport the dirtiest oil on the planet from Canada all the way across America’s heartland to Gulf Coast oil refineries.
Last year, thanks to pressure from you and thousands of others, President Obama refused to issue the pipeline permit and directed the State Department to conduct a thorough study on its environmental impacts, including climate change.
Now, that report is out, and, incredibly, the State Department reviewers say Keystone XL will have no significant impact on climate change because Canada will exploit the oil with or without the pipeline. This is a dubious argument. Urge President Obama to reject the pipeline today.
Thirteen federal government agencies have just released a comprehensive climate assessment that describes disastrous impacts on our ecosystems, infrastructure, and human health if we don’t quickly reduce fossil fuel consumption. This is not the future our children deserve, or that President Obama spoke of in his inaugural address when he promised to preserve the planet “commanded to our care by God.” Tar sands oil emits three times the carbon of regular oil.
We believe the voice of the faith community can make the difference. We must remind the president of our moral responsibility to leave a habitable climate and a sustainable future for the next generation. Fuel efficiency, alternative fueled vehicles, and investments in transit are the solutions we need to pursue.
Let the president hear from you today.